21.12.2022 / Fedco Chairman’s Report 2022

Posted in KUSA News



The Year of 2022 saw some sort of normality creeping back into our lives, but there is no doubt that some of the after effects of the coronavirus pandemic in respect of the social, psychological, and economic pressures are still with us today.

Nevertheless, I optimistically believe that, as Members of KUSA, we are a resilient force, and we shall continue to overcome some of the hardships, which still face us and that 2023 will be a much more manageable year.

2022 was punctuated by many highlights. I’d like to remind you of a few of them.

Shows and Events returned, gaining in confidence and entry number after the COVID-19 restrictions were removed. International Judges returned to our shores, taking some of the pressures off our local Judges who had so diligently assisted clubs where and when they could.

New Club Affiliations. It was pleasing to see a number of new Clubs becoming affiliated to KUSA across Breed, Field Trials, Dogsport and Dog Training.

KUSA Clubs. The Clubs within KUSA have risen above the difficult time that they endured over the last couple of years. It is evident that they are trying to regroup their committees, their memberships and their shows, and to meet their financial challenges.

Judges/Evaluators. Members who are interested in pursuing the paths of judging and evaluating are steadily joining the various educational programmes again. Judges and evaluators who were already enrolled resumed their studies as the shows re-opened in order to write their examinations and complete the practical requirements of the various forms of Dogsport.

KUSA Classic Flagship Shows and Events. Finally, in 2022, under the governance of the KUSA Classic Consultancy Team appointed by the Executive Committee, all the shows and events related to this National Event were held. The various Breed and Dogsport organising committees were most successful in their endeavours and Shows, Events and Nationals were well supported by our KUSA Members. The KUSA Classic hosted six International Judges for Breed, whereas the Nationals for various forms of Dogsport were accommodated as part of the NAPC Bumper Dogsport weekend.

KUSA Marketing at the PetExpo – July 2022. The decision to book a stand at the PetExpo for KUSA branding proved to be successful. Fedco thanks the KUSA Office Staff, who organised the set up of the stand and the manning thereof. The KUSA Stand was well supported with lots of interest and enthusiasm by members of KUSA and the public.

Appreciation. Thank you to the Breed and Liaison Councils, the National Sub-Committees, Affiliated Clubs, and the various Ad hoc Sub-Committees for your support and for the work to promote, preserve, and protect our dogs.

To the newly affiliated Clubs, welcome to the KUSA family and I wish you every success in your future endeavours.

I thank all the Sponsors who have generously supported the KUSA Clubs and their shows during the past year. Without your assistance and generosity, our shows would not be the success that they were, and I sincerely hope that the Clubs made every effort to showcase your products and branding.

KUSA – Financial Situation. KUSA’s Audited Financial Statements will be distributed with the Fedco 12-2022 minutes. The results exceeded our budgeted expectations, and we thank the KUSA Office for having exercised financial prudence throughout this financial year.

KUSA – Office Situation. More information and updates will be reported within the various Fedco Minutes from time to time. I nevertheless would like to thank Fedco for the decision taken in 2021 to move the office to its present location. It has been, by all accounts, a commendable decision, with the KUSA Office staff most appreciative of their new home in a congenial environment, even though the aim is still to invest in permanent premises at some point in the future.

KUSA – K9 Administration System Upgrade. This project is an integral part of taking KUSA into a competitive digital arena – the way of the future. Under the guidance and responsibility of the General Manager, Pascale Midgley, assisted by a team of Systems Development professionals, steady progress was made in 2022 and testing of the various components have commenced.

Judges Education Council of KUSA (JEC). The JEC established in terms of Article 3.11 of the Constitution of the Kennel Union of Southern Africa (KUSA) as a sui generis Council, continues to operate nationally under the provisions of its Constitution and under such additional powers as delegated to it from time to time by the Federal Council of KUSA. Mr. Gérard Robinson Chairman of the JEC, reports to Fedco on the JEC’s activities during the preceding period at the June and December Fedco meetings.

International Events. I represented KUSA at the FCI General Assembly in Madrid in 2022. The meeting was long and somewhat distressing due to discussions and decisions around the impact of Russia’s war on Ukraine, both full members of the FCI. Further adjustments to the FCI Statutes and FCI Standing Orders were approved, bringing the FCI into line with adjusted EU and Belgian law. The outcome of this will be voted on by Proxy at the Extraordinary Meeting of the FCI General Assembly in April 2023. I thank the Federal Council of KUSA for their mandate to represent KUSA and to our FCI Section - Asia, Africa, and Oceania - for their guidance and excellent advice.

I was further privileged to be able to attend the Spanish Winners Show after the FCI General Assembly and proudly watched our KUSA Junior Handler representative, Basil le Roux, win the Junior Handler competition. A proud moment for South Africa! Unfortunately, I missed the FCI World Show Junior Handler Competition due to my flight home.

Projects commenced in 2022, which are ongoing:

  • Breed Standards Upgrade. Fedco budgeted for, and embarked upon, a project to standardise the format of the Breed Standards. The first group, the Gundog Group, will be uploaded onto the KUSA website during January 2023. The other six groups will follow in the course of 2023.
  • KUSA Constitution. The checking, upgrading, modernisation of the KUSA Articles and Schedules has been embarked upon. You will have noticed a number of new and/or revised items on this Fedco Agenda under the Articles, Schedules 1, 2, 3, 9 & 10. The mould and unified look, as far as is possible, has been set down and the strategy is to systematically work through each of the Schedules. This will be a long-term project and we sincerely hope that we would be able to count on the support of the affected parties when it comes to the final sign-off for their newly formatted Schedules.
  • KUSA Club Constitutions. The request for Clubs to adopt, as far as is possible, standardised Club Constitutions, has so far met with moderate success. The KUSA Office is in control of this project with the assistance of Gérard Robinson, who has spearheaded this very necessary project. Clubs are urged to please assist with the finalisation of this project.
  • Emerging Breed Register. The first two South African Mastiffs were registered in the later part of 2022.


Sincere thanks are extended to:

The members of KUSA for their ongoing support of KUSA. Without our members’ support, KUSA would not be the strong and viable organisation that it is today.

The Executive Committee, under that chairmanship of Bruce Jenkins. Fedco joins me in thanking all the members of Exco for giving up their time to ensure the good governance and effective oversight of KUSA’s administrative affairs.

The Executives of the various Provincial Councils, and their representatives, thank you for your sterling efforts in all matters relating to the functions of Provincial Councils.

Fedco commends the Judges’ Education Council, under the leadership of Gérard Robinson, for its ongoing commitment to the education and guidance of KUSA Judges.

The KUSA staff, ably led by Pascale Midgley, I express my gratitude for their continued dedication to ensure an efficient and effective service to members and the public.

I would like to thank my colleagues on the Federal Council for all the assistance and support I have received. I am gratified and privileged to be able to work with a team of highly informed, proactive Councillors – a team that truly works together for all things KUSA. I too, will do the best I can to serve KUSA.

In closing, I wish you and your loved ones and all your very special dogs, a successful 2023, filled with a show of kindness and patience to all animals and especially to our fellow colleagues and friends.

Have a wonderful festive end to 2022, blessed with joyous times, good health and may you and your families stay safe and secure.

Jenny Hubbard   2 December 2022