Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct for KUSA Judges
(Effective from 01.04.2020 for Judges)
(Effective from 01.04.2022 for Evaluators)
The conduct and practice of Judges or Evaluators officiating for the Kennel Union of Southern Africa in all forms of dogsport, whether as a Learner Judges or Evaluators, or Licensed Judges or Evaluators, must stand up to the highest level of scrutiny and the comportment of Judges or Evaluators should manifest their status within dogsport. Judging or Evaluating at Kennel Union-licensed events, or at events in foreign countries, requires the Judge or Evaluator to be a member of the Kennel Union and, apart from adherence to the normal Conditions of Membership, the Code of Ethics (Schedule 9) and the Terms and Conditions of Contract as per the Judging Contract (J1), Judges or Evaluators at any level shall be bound by this Code of Conduct and Practice for Judges Licensed by the Kennel Union of Southern Africa:
- In General:
- Judges or Evaluators shall maintain continuous and unbroken membership of the Kennel Union of Southern Africa throughout their judging or evaluating career as contemplated in Article 25.2 of the Kennel Union Constitution.
- Judges or Evaluators shall be mindful of their elevated and esteemed status in dogsport and in all their actions and dealings set an example for all participants in the sport.
- In their communications with Club or Show Officials, Exhibitors and Competitors, Judges or Evaluators shall act with dignity, authority and decorum and their conduct in all interactions shall be above reproach.
- In accepting assignments, whether local or foreign, Judges or Evaluators act as ambassadors of the Kennel Union and in word and deed shall take the utmost care to neither embarrass themselves, nor the Kennel Union.
- Judges or Evaluators shall not accept an invitation to judge or evaluate unless they are sure, or have ascertained, that they are entitled to do so.
- Judges or Evaluators shall not accept an invitation to judge or evaluate unless they can declare with a reasonable degree of certainty that they would be able and fulfil the assignment and be fit to do so in accordance with the expectations of the show-holding Club, or entity.
- Judges or Evaluators who need to withdraw from assignments, for whatever reason, need to give notice of their intentions to withdraw at the earliest possible opportunity and in a manner prescribed by their contract.
- Judges or Evaluators shall ensure that their arrangements regarding reimbursement of expenses by show-holding Clubs or entities are clear and unambiguous, thereby to avoid causing embarrassment or discontentment for either party.
- Judges or Evaluators shall not claim any expenses from a show-holding Club or entity to which they are not entitled and for which they cannot provide proof of entitlement.
- Judges or Evaluators shall embrace continued education as an integral part of their judging or evaluating ethic and undertake self-motivated learning throughout their judging or evaluating careers.
- Judges or Evaluators shall keep themselves apprised of changes to the Kennel Union’s regulatory framework applicable to Judges or Evaluators and judging or evaluating and in their duties and assignments as Judges and KUSA Members, diligently comply with all Kennel Union Regulations and be able to confidently apply them in any situation.
- Judges or Evaluators shall keep themselves apprised of changes to the FCI’s regulatory framework applicable to Judges or Evaluators and judging or evaluating and diligently and consistently apply these regulations in an FCI judging or evaluating environment, unless they are in conflict with the Kennel Union’s Regulations.
- Judges or Evaluators shall be meticulous in noting changes to Breed Standards of breeds they are licensed to judge/ evaluate and diligently apply these changes once they become effective.
- At shows held under the Regulations of the FCI, Judges shall meticulously and consistently apply FCI Breed Standards to all the breeds they are contracted to judge.
- Judges shall not interpret any Breed Standard in a manner which conflicts with the functional health of the dog.
- Judges or Evaluators shall not solicit judging or evaluating assignments, either locally or overseas, which includes, without limitation, pleading, asking, petitioning or canvassing for an assignment, either directly, or through an intermediary, in any manner or by any means whatsoever, except for Licensed Judgers or Evaluators, Senior Judges or Evaluators and All-breeds Judges volunteering to assist Club Committees in filling the roles at Non-Championship Shows pursuant to Schedule 10 Appendix 1 Regulations 4.1.3, 5.1.4 and 6.1.4.
- Judges or Evaluators shall not solicit the entry of any Dog, Exhibitor and/or Competitor.
- Judges or Evaluators shall not travel to a show or event with a person who will be exhibiting a dog under them or otherwise competing in an event judged or evaluated by him.
- Judges or Evaluators shall not accept accommodation from a person who will be exhibiting a dog under them or competing in an event judged or evaluated by them.
- Prior to the show or event to be judged or evaluated by them, Judges or Evaluators shall avoid socialising with persons likely to compete under them.
- If placed in an unavoidable compromising position as a result of a close relationship with an Exhibitor/Competitor, if and when practicable, Judges or Evaluators shall encourage the option of a “lap of honour”, instead of subjecting dogs to assessment and placement for awards that may ultimately be deemed suspect.
- It is suggested that, during a discernible period (at Judges’ or Evaluators’ discretion) preceding any judging or evaluating assignment, Judges or Evaluators shall avoid acting as a spectator to the judging or evaluating of dogs they are likely to judge or evaluate at such scheduled assignment.
- In deference to the principles of neutrality and impartiality and in order not to show favour, Judges or Evaluators shall exercise the utmost discretion when discussing dogs likely to be judged or evaluated by them, or by other Judges or Evaluators, with any person.
- Similarly, in upholding the principles of neutrality and impartiality, Judges or Evaluators shall exercise sound judgement when commenting on dogs likely to be judged or evaluated by them, or by other Judges or Evaluators, on Social Media, as not to reveal predilection or dislike.
- When commenting on dog- or dogsport-related issues, Judges or Evaluators shall use Social Media advisedly and prudently and confine their opinions to reasoned discourse based on fact, resisting speculation, innuendo and aspersion.
- Judges or Evaluators shall not criticise the work of other Judges or Evaluators, either verbally, in print or on Social Media.
- Judges or Evaluators shall refrain from engaging in offensive conduct or defamatory statements aimed at discrediting the Kennel Union or the FCI.
- Judges’ or Evaluators’ shall be mindful of the fact that they derive their judging or evaluating licence from the Kennel Union and thereby assume the responsibility not to act in a manner which is inconsistent with the grant of such licence. A licence entrusted in good faith can be revoked when no longer deemed to be in the best interests of the licensor and it should be understood that KUSA will not countenance being besmirched and its reputation tarnished, by those holding its licences.
- In the Ring:
- Judges or Evaluators shall be courteous, polite and respectful towards Exhibitors/Competitors, Ring Steward or Club Officials.
- Judges or Evaluators shall be punctual for assignments and avoid inconveniencing show-holding Clubs, Exhibitors/ Competitors or Show Officials through lateness.
- Judges or Evaluators shall not leave the showgrounds before they have completed all their assigned/contracted duties.
- Judges or Evaluators officiating at a particular Show or KUSA-licensed event shall not have access to a Show Catalogue and shall neither view, nor consult, such catalogue published or distributed in any format whatsoever, including but not limited to, on social media platforms, private chat groups, or forms of personal communication, whether inside or outside the judging or evaluating ring, or before or during a judging or evaluating assignment.
- Judges or Evaluators shall assess dogs in conformation shows, or their performance in other forms of dogsport, in a thorough, competent, systematic and kind manner.
- When judging or evaluating, Judges or Evaluators shall exercise the highest degree of objectivity and discard any knowledge of a dog’s background, previous accomplishments or ownership.
- Having regard for the weather, Judges or Evaluators shall dress in a manner which creates a neat, professional, yet comfortable, appearance in the ring, avoiding billowy attire, ostentatious headgear and bulky or noisy accessories.
- Judges or Evaluators shall not smoke or drink alcohol in the ring and refrain from judging or evaluating while clutching a beverage.
- Although it’s permissible for Judges to have electronic devices in the ring for the review of breed standards, when necessary, such devices shall otherwise remain switched off and under no circumstances shall Judges take telephone calls, or consult and reply to text messages while in the ring.
- Judges or Evaluators shall desist from addressing handlers by their first or last name in the ring.
- Judges or Evaluators shall complete all the requirements of an assignment diligently and efficiently, with due regard for any time constraints imposed by the show-holding Club.
- Interpretation
- The Federal Council shall be the only authority for the interpretation of this Code of Conduct and Practice for Judges Licensed by KUSA and their decision thereon shall be final.
In devising this Code of Conduct and Practice for Judges Licensed by the Kennel Union of Southern Africa, we gratefully acknowledge the papers and guidelines of the American Kennel Club, Canadian Kennel Club, Australian National Kennel Council and Dogs New Zealand.