2019-09 Exco Minutes
Via Telecon: Clrs L Wilson (LW) (Chair) RB Jenkins (BJ) (Vice-Chair), DC Sparg (DS), NJ du Preez (NdP)
Staff in Attendance: Miss SA Thornberry (ST) (Secretary), Mr K Farmer (KF) (Office Manager), Mrs A Bastick (AB) (Club Affairs), Mrs Z Petersen (Administrator)
Apologies: Mrs P Midgley (General Manager), Miss D Rosier (Administrative Relations Officer)
The following recent death was noted with sadness:
George Patey (GAU)
Congratulations to Clrs Juckes and Thornhill on their election to the Federal Council. LW advised that there will be no representation from the Western Cape and Free State & Northern Cape Provincial Councils at this meeting. Yvonne Jefferies has been nominated as the Exco Member for the FS&NC and will participate once the formalities are complete. The WCPC will nominate an Exco member at its next meeting.
The final copy of the Minutes of the meeting held on 27.08.2019 were circulated with this agenda and formally adopted.
3.1 Articles and Schedules – Harmonisation and Rectification of Contradictions ( Exco 11-17 item 3.3, Exco 01-18 item 3.3, Exco 02-2018 item 3.3, Exco 04-2018 item 3.3, Exco 05-2017 item 3.2), Exco 7- 2018 item 3.1, Exco 08-2018 items 3.1, 3.4, 3.5, Exco 09-2018 item 3.1, Exco 10-2018 item 3.1, Exco 11- 2018 item 3.1, Exco 01-2019 item 3.1, Exco 02-2019 item 3.1, Exco 03-2019 item 3.1, Exco 05-2019 item 3.1, Exco 06-2019, item 3.1, Exco 07-2019 item 3.1, Exco 08-2019 item 3.1)
To be presented to Fedco 12-19, once finalised (LW, BJ, DS & NdP)
A document was submitted and approved for presentation to the Federal Council.
3.2 Appeal Process (Exco 03-2018 item 9.8, Exco 04-2018 item 3.6, Exco 05-2018 item 3.3, Exco 07-2018, item 3.2. Exco 08-2018 item 3.2 Exco 09-2018 item 3.2, Exco 11-2018 item 3.2, Exco 01-2019 item 3.2, Exco 02-2019 item 3.1, Exco 06-2019 item 3.2, Exco 07-2019 item 3.2, Exco 08-2019 item 3.2)
At the July Meeting it was confirmed that, in terms of the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act, there should be a process whereby a person who does not agree with a decision made by an administrative body (e.g. the Exco, a Provco or Club) should be able to appeal to a higher authority to take the matter under review.
NdP undertook to prepare a clause for inclusion in the Articles of the Constitution for Exco to consider and table to the Federal Council.
[NdP was not present at the meeting, but wished it to be clarified that the above applies to KUSA’s “public” functions, i.e. its functions as a Registering Authority for purebred dogs under empowerment from the DAFF.]
Work in progress – NdP
3.3 Breeders’ Advertisements – KUSA Website (Exco 07-2019 item 9.6, Exco 08-2019 item 3.3)
The following is carried forward from the previous two meetings:
Current procedure and conditions for acceptance and processing of Breeders’ Advertisement Applications.
Note the following declaration currently appears on the KUSA Website Breeders’ Advert Application Form:
a) I understand and agree to abide and comply with the bylaws, policies, procedures, Code of Ethics (Schedule 9) and Rules & Regulations of KUSA.
b) I accept & understand that my contact details will be published on the KUSA website and may be accessed by the general public.
c) I declare that the content of the Breeders Listing advert that I hereby submit is true and accurate and indemnify KUSA against any actions, claims, costs, losses, proceedings or demands that may be lodged against me for whatever reason, by persons responding to the Breeders Listing.
d) I accept that KUSA retains the right to refuse to accept the Application and retains the right to withdraw the Breeders Listing and refund the fees tendered. The Kennel Union retains the right to request that changes be made to the text, if the content of the advert is contrary to KUSA rules, regulations and policies.
e) I accept and understand that the acceptance and placement of a Breeders Listing advert does not and may not be deemed as an endorsement or recommendation by KUSA of the breed or an indication of quality or warranty of the dogs offered or an indication of the reputation of the member.
f) I accept and understand that I may not use the term “KUSA REGISTERED BREEDER” as KUSA does not register breeders.
At the July meeting, NdP advised that a clause needed to be included to the effect that we have the right of refusal or immediate removal of an advertisement without giving notification. Notification can be given afterwards.
Does the format and layout of the advertisements on the website need to be reviewed (as suggested at July Exco)?
It was suggested that the Breeders Adverts should be cancelled.
How much income is generated? (approx. R21,000 per year)
It was also suggested that the heading should be changed to “KUSA Members’ Advertisements”.
Further to the above it has since been suggested that the following should be added to the Application Form:
(1) That the applicant/breeder must be a current member in good standing.
(2) That the parents of any advertised litters must be registered with KUSA
Guidelines needed on how to control (2) above. Discussion required.
(1) After discussion it was agreed that, in the meantime, a clause to indicate that the applicant is a current member in good standing of KUSA should immediately be added to the Application Form.
(2) It was further agreed that other matters relating to Breeders Advertisement should be discussed at the informal Fedco agenda for further discussion.
4.1 Office Report
After discussion the Office Report was approved.
4.2 Finance
After discussion the Financial Report was approved.
5.1.1 Case 03-2019 – KUSA vs Mr G Thompson
The DSC met on Tue 30.07.2019 by teleconference and, after careful consideration of all documentation, unanimously found the Respondent was guilty in terms of 4.1.1 and of Schedule 1 with regard to his conduct at the at the KUSA National Event held on Saturday 1 st June 2019 at the Goldfields Showgrounds in that he verbally attacked Mrs L Wilson, a member of KUSA Classic Consultancy Team (KCCT) and Chairman of the Executive Committee of KUSA, in the presence of International Judge Mr Gopi Krishnan from Malaysia and other Officials and exhibitors at the Terrier Group Ring on the said day. He then further continued to verbally attack Mr BG Robinson, another member of the KCCT and Chairman of DOGSPC and a member of the Federal Council.
The DSC imposed the following penalties, which took effect on 19.08.2019 for three (3) years, two of which are suspended for five (5) years.
Rule 11.1.2:
Suspension or exclusion from taking part in, or having any connection with, or attending or participating or handling a dog at a Show, Obedience Class, Working Trial or Field Trial or other event held under KUSA licence, or from acting as an officer of a Club;
The DSC confirmed that the above penalty only applies to the Respondent in his personal capacity and does not in any way apply to dogs that are owned and registered or recorded in his name, or owned and registered or recorded by him jointly, viz such dogs may be entered and exhibited at KUSA licenced events, but without the presence of the Respondent.
Rule 11.1.5:
Disqualification from judging at, or taking part in the management of a Show, Obedience Class, Working Trial or Field Trial or other event held under a KUSA licence;
The initial 12 months of the above penalties are effective from 19.08.2019 (until 18.08.2020). The remaining twenty-four (24) months will be suspended for a period of five (5) years until 18.08.2024 on condition that the Respondent does not contravene any of the provisions as provided for in Rule 4 of Schedule 1 or any other provision in the KUSA Constitution, Rules and Regulations that would form the basis for a valid complaint in terms thereof during the period of suspension.
No appeal was lodged.
5.2.1 Applications for Second Championship Shows
The following is carried forward from the August 2019 Meeting:
“Note the following additional suggestions from Fedco (Fedco 06-2019 item 8.19):
With the benefit of hindsight, the affiliation of certain All-breeds Clubs should perhaps have been more carefully considered at the time of their application, but it was also acknowledged that these affiliations had taken place in a more favourable economic climate. However, since these Clubs now existed, the situation around the granting of 2 nd Championship Show licences needed to be even more carefully managed by Exco in future.
In summary, Fedco’s additional suggestions to curtail the number of 2 nd Championship Shows included:
As far as possible, to restrict any licences granted in populous areas.
Where licences were justified, to permit no more than one extra Show per cluster weekend. There was no justification for turning a two-Show weekend into a four-Show weekend.
Decline permission for 2nd Championship Shows to Clubs which had been part of clusters prior to “divorce”; the example of Whale Coast and Overberg Kennel Clubs cited.
Reconsider 2nd (sometimes 3rd) Championship Shows granted to Specialist Clubs where the owners of exhibited dogs were not even required to be members of KUSA. To contain the proliferation of Shows of Specialist Clubs and the abundance of CCs on offer for certain Breeds, Exco might well consider a system of granting 2nd Championship Show licences to Specialist Clubs on a rotation basis.
There was probably also a good case to be made for a more stringent application of Schedule 3 Regulation 5.16: “Where a Club, for any reason whatsoever, has been unable to finalise its Draft Schedule twelve (12) weeks before the first day of the Show, no licence shall be issued for that event.
The Chairman requested the Chairman of Exco to discuss the above and other suggestions with her Committee and to revert at Fedco 12-2019 with firm criteria to be applied by Exco in its future granting of 2 nd Championship Show licences.”
Other previous Fedco & Exco Rulings for 2nd Championship Shows were attached to the previous agenda.
Noted. Northern Tshwane Kennel Club - 17 May 2020
The above Club is applying to host a second Championship show in conjunction with its first Championship Show and FCI Show on the same weekend.
Affiliation, AGM & financials, show returns & payments are all up to date. Non-Championship Shows are held each year.
Exco requested the office to ask the Club how many overseas judges have been appointed.
After consideration of the Club’s response, the request was approved, subject to the Club contracting at least two overseas Judges. If there are not at least two overseas Judges at the 2020 Championship Show, dispensation for a 2nd Championship Show will not be granted in future. North West Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club - 15 August 2020 (Breed)
The above Club is applying to host a second Championship Show in conjunction with Northern Areas Terrier Club, Centenary Terrier Club and Pretoria Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club, as it did in 2019.
Affiliation, AGM & Financials, show returns & payments are all up to date. Non-Championship Shows are held each year. The office can confirm that there was an increase in entries across all the shows as compared to 2018.
Motivation attached to agenda.
Approved Pretoria Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club - 16 August 2020 (Breed)
The above Club is applying to host a second Championship Show in conjunction with Northern Areas Terrier Club, Centenary Terrier Club & North West Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club as it did in 2019.
Affiliation, AGM & Financials, show returns & payments are all up to date. Non-Championship Shows held each year. The office can confirm that there was an increase in entries across all the shows as compared to 2018.
Motivation attached to agenda.
Approved Whale Coast Kennel Club - 07 March 2020 (Breed) First Application
The above Club is applying to host a second Championship Show in conjunction with its first Championship Show on the same weekend.
Affiliation, AGM & Financials, show returns & payments are all up to date. No Non-Championship Shows are held by this Club.
Motivation attached to agenda.
Approved, subject to the Club committing to host a Non-Championship Show in 2020.
5.2.2 Schedule 3 Regulation 5 Show Schedules – Reg 16 (Exco 06-2019), (Exco 07-2019), Exco 08-2019
NOTE: Finalising Schedules means that the Schedule has been received, however, KUSA has requested some amendments, i.e. order of Judging or to add other clauses as required under Schedule 3, Reg. 5.
November Shows
Rotek GSD Club - IGP - 16 November 2019 - no documents received (12 Weeks - 24 August) – awaiting response.
Saint Bernard Club of Tvl - 17 November 2019 - do documents received (12 Weeks - 25 August) show cancelled
Dobermann Club (Gau) - 22 November 2019 - no documents received (12 Weeks - 30 August)
Jacaranda City Kennel Club - 23 November 2019 - no documents received (12 Weeks - 31 August) AGM's also outstanding
SA Great Dane Association - 23 November 2019 - no documents received (12 Weeks - 31 August) AGM's outstanding
Saint Bernard Association - 23 November 2019 - all documents received, finalising schedule & contract (12 Weeks - 31 August)
Highveld Pomeranian Club - 23 November 2019 - No Show Documents received. AGM & Financials outstanding. No full Committee advised . – Club confirmed show cancelled
Nördlicher Verein Für Deutsche Hunde Rassen (German Breeds Club) – 23 November 2019 – no documents received (12 Weeks – 31 August). No communication from the Club to advise if Show is to be cancelled. AGM documents also outstanding.
Australian Shepherd Dog Club of E.G - 23 November 2019 - Show Documents received. Audited Financials outstanding.
Pretoria Kennel Club - 24 November 2019 - no documents received (12 Weeks - 1 September) - AGM's also outstanding
5.2.3 Schedule 3 Reg 14 – Exclusion of Dogs & Reg 19.8 Western Province Boxer Club – Non-Championship Show - Disciplines 17.03.2019 (Exco 05-2019 item, Exco 08-2019 item
TEO issued following Exco 05-2019 to Border Collie “Chloe” Reg No ZA001057Y16, owned by Mr HD Armour.
The following procedure for Working Discipline dogs was confirmed at the August Meeting:
“When TEO has been issued to a Working Discipline dog for a first offence, the dog will be required to pass a CGC (Bronze). For a second offence, the dog will be required to pass a GCG (Gold). Should there be a third offence, the dog will be permanently excluded.
In addition to the above, the dog is to be tested in a ring situation, i.e. the dog is placed in a sit-stay, off-lead in a ring next to its handler. Three dogs are then walked, on-lead, around the dog at a distance of 2m and, if the dog does not move, then it is passed. This process is to be observed by a “Class C” Obedience Judge.”
Following successful completion of the CGC (Bronze) as well as the above test procedure, the Exco agreed by round robin that the TEO issued to Chloe be withdrawn.
Ratified. Procedure and Cover Sheet for Reporting a Case of Dog Aggression at a KUSA-Licensed Show – Schedule 3 Regulation 14 (Exco 05-2019 item, Exco 06-2019 item
The cover sheet has been amended and posted on website.
The following still has to take place:
Working Discipline Schedules are to be amended to provide for Schedule 3 Reg 14.
The Regulation is to be included as a question in the Judges Exam on Rules and Regulations.
(Note: Amendments to the various Schedules will need to be made and referred to Fedco.)
NdP to look at wording of Regulation 14 with view to making provision for the imposition of a fine, should there be no report submitted to the KUSA Office.
At the June Exco Meeting, LW read out a revised procedure, which was tabled at the Fedco informal discussion.
Fedco discussion indicated that clearer guidelines for TEO CGCs needed to be set for discussion at Fedco 12-2019.
Work in progress. (LW, BJ & ST) List of TEO Dogs
LW referred to the list of dogs with TEO’s still in force that was recently circulated by the Secretary. Letters have been sent to the owners advising that they are being given 12 months in which to have the dogs successfully pass the CGC (Bronze).
Arising from the above, it transpires that there are no KUSA-sanctioned CGC Evaluators in the Free State area. Clr Juckes (now the FS&NC Chairman) will be looking into this.
The Secretary asked for advice on how to handle a TEO dog that had passed the CGC (Bronze) but failed the Judges assessment by biting the Judge. It was agreed that the owner be advised that there will be an opportunity to have the dog assessed again, within twelve months.
5.2.4 OTHER CLUB / SHOW MATTERS The 2020 Events Calendar has now been published on the KUSA Website and circulated to Provincial Councils. The KUSA office is requesting all Clubs to confirm their Show dates by 31 October 2019.
Noted Terrier Club - Eastern Cape
The above Club did not hold shows for the last two years and has been advised that it has lost its Championship Show-holding status.
Schedule 3, Reg.
"Whenever a Club elects not to hold a Championship Show for two (2) successive years, or longer, it shall hold a Re-Qualifying Show at which the minimum number of dogs required in Regulation 1.2.2 above shall be present and exhibited in order to regain Championship Show status." Group Clubs - forty (40)
DS advised that the Club will endeavour to hold a Re-Qualifying Show during this calendar year (Schedule 4A Regulation 3.3.3 refers).
LW advised that the matter of the moratorium in respect of the number of dogs present will be discussed at Fedco 12-2019.
Noted. Goldfields Supporters Clubs (Northern & Southern) Dates - Br,Hcl,Ob,Dj,Ca,Ag,Fly - 18/19July 2020
The above Clubs are requesting to move their Championship Shows in 2020 from Week 23, 8/9 June, one week after the KUSA Classic Weekend Shows to Week 29, 18/19 July 2020. This used to be the WODAC Weekend.
The Northern Transvaal Bull Terrier Club and Rottweiler Working & Breeding Association (RWBA) have their Championship Shows on Week 29.
Motivation from the Goldfields Supporters Clubs and objection from RWBA were attached to the agenda.
Discussion ensued and noted that a precedent had already been set in that other Clubs that had previously requested to hold Shows on the same date as RWBA had been refused by Exco. After further discussion, no decision was made although it was hoped that, through negotiation, a solution could be found. LW asked AB to provide a list of Rottweiler Breed Shows being held from Jan to Dec 2020 and requested that the matter be deferred to the October Exco Meeting.
To be carried forward to next agenda.
5.2.5 KUSA Classic 2019 Gauteng TT Sub-Committee – TT KUSA Nationals – 01.09.2019
Report circulated on 12.09.2019.
Noted 2020 Gauteng – Nationals Agility, Dog Jumping and Flyball
To be held in conjunction with NAPC Bumper Weekend.
KUSA Classic Nationals Disciplines Report attached to agenda
Noted 2020 Gauteng – Nationals Breed, Obedience, Carting and Handling
To be held Thu 28 May to Mon 1 June 2020.
(Incorporating KUSA Championship Show/KUSA Winners (Breed), Obedience, Carting, Agility, Dog Jumping and Flyball.)
2020 KUSA Classic Breed
Report attached to agenda
Noted 2021 KUSA Classic - 28-30 May 2021
Discussion ensued on a tentative request received from the EC&BPC.
[Note: the request has since been withdrawn.]
5.4 JUDGES (Breed Bruce Jenkins, FCI - Lois Wilson)
5.4.1 The following Judges completed KUSA requirements and are Licenced for the Group/s as listed:
Mrs C. Buitendach (FS) (Toy Group)
Mrs W. Davies (GAU) (Gundog Group)
Mrs B. Degenhardt (GAU) (Hound Group)
Mrs N. Hartig (GAU) (Herding Group, BIS & BPIS)
Ms V. Nicolau (GAU) (Utility Group)
Noted with congratulations.
5.6 OBEDIENCE (Dudley Sparg)
5.6.1 The following Judge completed KUSA requirements and has been accepted as an Obedience Judge: Dr H. Ramsay (GAU)
Noted with congratulations.
5.6.2 The following Judge’s Learner Report has been approved by the Provincial Council Sub-Committee:
Dr H. Ramsay (GAU) – Birch Acres Dog Training Club – Championship Show – 31 August 2019
Noted with congratulations
5.6.3 The following Judge passed Level 3 Exam (C Class) and is eligible to judge Non-Championship Shows.
Mr P. Dinsmore (GAU)
Noted with congratulations.
5.6.4 The following Judge’s "C" Class Report has been approved:
Second Report - Mr G. Bass - KZN Carting Club - Non-Championship Show - 29 June 2019
5.7.1 The following Assessment has been approved by the Provincial Council Working Trial (Classic) Sub-Committee:
Second Assessment
Miss M. de Lange (EC) - CD Trial - Port Elizabeth Kennel Club - Open Show - 17 August 2019
Noted with congratulations.
5.8 FIELD TRIALS (Dudley Sparg) - nil
5.9 IGP (Nico du Preez)
5.9.1 AGM teleconference arranged for 05.09.2019. Minutes awaited.
Noted. Minutes to be requested.
5.10 DOG JUMPING (Lois Wilson)
5.10.1 Dog Jumping Championship of SA – 14.12.2019
DOGSPC would like to run the SA Dog Jumping Championships over one day. The National Dog Jumping Sub-Committee has voted to waive the below Regulation stated within Schedule 5E(04) and allow the deviation.
7.4 The judging of the Semi-Finals shall take place at a nominated venue at the time and on a day/days as determined by the Sponsor/s.
7.5 The Finals of the Dog Jumping Championship of Southern Africa shall take place following the day/days on which the Semi-Finals are held.
5.11 CARTING (Lois Wilson)
Noted that the revised Schedule 5G comes into effect on 01.10.2019.
5.12 AGILITY (Lois Wilson)
5.12.1 Unconfirmed Minutes of the electronic AGM of NAgSC held on 09.08.2019.
Circulated 13.09.2019
Also received:
Report from the Convener
Proposed amendments to Schedules 5L, 5L App C, D, E & F.
5.12.2 2020 South African Agility Championships and AWC Trials
The above will be held 11-13 June 2020 and hosted by the EP Agility Committee. This event has been added to Week 24 on the 2020 Events Calendar.
5.12.3 Congratulations to the SA team that took part in the Agility World Championships (AWC) in Finland.
5.13 FLYBALL (Lois Wilson)
(14h10 - DS excused himself from the teleconference.)
5.15.1 Hereditary Clear Status – an article published by The Kennel Club was circulated to Exco Members. From 2022 The Kennel Club will limit the assignment of “hereditary clear” status of registered dogs to two generations. LW proposed that the document be included on the informal Fedco agenda for discussion.
5.16 TT (Dudley Sparg)
5.17 DOG DANCING (Nico du Preez and Dudley Sparg)
Work in progress.
5.19 FCI
5.19.1 Communications send to Fedco Members:
27.08.19 Canicross & Turnierhundsport - Meeting - 2019: First Meeting (not held)
Next Meeting 01.10.2019.
Meeting held 20.08.2019 – minutes awaited.
Unconfirmed Minutes of Meeting held on 15.08.2019.
Circulated on 13.09.2019
Quorum present.
Unconfirmed Minutes of AGM held on 16.09.2019.
Circulated on 18.09.2019
Quorum present
Election of Office Bearers:
Chairman - Mrs Lori Thornhill
Vice-Chairman - Mr Michael Alberts
Secretary - Mrs Celeste McLeod-Barlow
Treasurer - Mrs Merle Melville
Show Secretary - Mrs Doreen E Powell
Also received:
WCPC Chairman's Report 2018/2019
Annual Financial Statements for 2018/2019
Sub-Committee Chairman's Report for Agility & Dog Jumping
Sub-Committee Chairman's Report for Aptitude
Sub-Committee Secretary’s Report for Flyball
Sub-Committee Chairman’s Report for IGP
Sub-committee Chairman’s Report for Carting
Sub-committee Chairman’s Report for Obedience
Sub-committee Chairman’s Report for Working Trials
Sub-committee Representative’s Report for Rally Dog SA
Noted with congratulations to the Office Bearers.
Next Meeting TBA.
AGM held 17.09.2019 – Minutes awaited
Election of Office Bearers:
Chairman: Mr Ronald Juckes
Vice-Chairman and Secretary : Dr Liezel Nel
Treasurer : Mrs Yvonne Jefferies
Exco Elected Member : Mrs Yvonne Jefferies
Noted with congratulations to the Office Bearers.
8.1 31 New Members and 21 Members (lapsed) were elected.
9.1 Applications for Affiliation/Closure - nil
9.2 Amendments to Club Constitutions
9.2.1 Whale Coast Kennel Club
At its AGM held 11 August 2019, the above Club approved amendments to its Club Constitution as per the specimen Club Constitution.
Words in brackets with strikethrough to be deleted and words underlined to be inserted.
Clause 18 D
iv) At each Annual General Meeting an [ Auditor ] Independent Financial Practitioner who may not necessarily be a members, but shall hold adequate experience to discharge his duties and
report on the financial aspects of the Club , shall be elected and he shall verify the assets of General Meeting.
A signed copy of accounts or signed covering letter by the [ Auditor ] Independent Financial Practitioner must accompany the final documents.
(v) No member of the Committee shall be eligible for appointment as [ Auditor ] Independent Financial Practitioner.
vi) Should the [ Auditor ] Independent Financial Practitioner be unable to fulfil his duties, the committee shall have the power to appoint another person to perform the audit.
Clause 20 Meetings
A (iv) The Agenda for such meeting.
E lection of Officers and Committee including the appointment of an [Auditor] Independent Financial Practitioner
xii) Election of Office Bearers, Committee and [Auditor] Independent Financial Practitioner as required in clauses 15,16 and 18D.
9.3 Schedule 2 Reg. 4.6 & 4.7 Dispensation for Registration - nil
9.4 Incorrect details of Dam recorded on application for registration of complete litter - nil
9.5 Schedule 3 Regulations 38.3.2 and 38.4 Veterinary Certificates – nil
10.1 SA Dog Show Manager (Pty) Ltd (Director GD Muhl) – outstanding monies owed to Clubs.
Work in progress.
Tue 22 October 2019, at 13h00
Fedco 12-2019 will be held 30 November & 1 December 2019. Closing date for agenda items is 7 October 2019.
There being no further business the Meeting closed at 14h25 with a vote of thanks to the Chair.
Unless otherwise stated, all decisions taken at this meeting are based on consensus of the members present at this meeting of the Exco.