2018-04 Exco Minutes

Posted in Minutes & Agendas



PRESENT: L Wilson (Chair), RB Jenkins (Vice-Chair), RD Juckes, DC Sparg, NJ du Preez, R Zeeman

This is a “face to face” meeting and no staff members were present.

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked Bruce Jenkins for his hospitality and Mrs Miscia for agreeing to minute the meeting.

The recent death of Catherine (Cathy) Feinstein (GAU) was noted with sadness.


The Minutes of the meeting held on 20.03.2018, as amended, were adopted.


3.1 Amendments to Club Constitutions (Exco 10-2017 item 3.1, Exco 02-2018 item 3.1)

Deferred, pending directive from Fedco at Fedco 12-2017:

Saint Bernard Association of Northern Gauteng (Exco 06-2017 item 9.2.1, Exco 07-2017 item 3.9)

Cape Bullmastiff Club (Exco 06-2017 item 9.2.1, Exco 07-2017 item 3.9)

Sasolburg Kennel Club (Exco 6-17 Item 9.2.3, Exco 07-2017 item 3.8, Exco 08-2017 item 3.3)

Northern Tshwane Kennel Club

Natal Utility Breeds Club

Western Province Bull Terrier Club

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club

To be carried forward to Exco 05-18 agenda.

3.2 Exhibit incorrectly entered in Champions Class (Exco 10-2017 item, Exco 11-2017 item 3.3; Exco 01-18 item 3.2, Exco 02-2018 item 3.2, Exco 03-2018 item 3.2)

See previous discussions on the following dog:

Breed: Border Collie

Reg. No: ZA003043B16

Name of Dog: Giftnell It'samagicparty

Owned by Miss O Orsmond

Quote from Exco 01-18:

“At Exco 11-2017, the Secretary was instructed to write to the registered owner requesting a statement advising which shows she did give authorisation for the dog to be entered.

In the meantime, everything concerning this dog, its Champion status and the fine imposed, is to be placed ‘on hold’ until this information is received.

Exco also to look at the wording of Schedule 3 Regulation 33 - Fines and Penalties.

An email was sent on 11.01.2018 and any reply will be tabled.”

Quote from Exco 02-2018:

“Although no response was received directly from Miss Orsmond, an email was received from Lizette Smook (attached to agenda.)

The content of Mrs Smook’s email was noted, which included, inter alia, her taking responsibility for entering the dog as a Champion for three Shows (NTKC, KUSA Championship Show & KUSA Winners Show), as she had wrongly assumed that the dog was already declared a Champion. She apologises for this and for not consulting Onel Orsmond when she entered the dog in these three shows.

At Exco 01-2018 the Secretary was requested to send a letter (sent on 20.01.2018) to Miss Orsmond requesting confirmation of whose signatures appears on show entry forms, in order to establish if they were ‘authorised’ entries.

Any reply will be tabled.

No response.

It was suggested that a stern letter be sent to Miss Orsmond pointing out the contraventions of the regulations and warning her of the possible consequences and correct procedures to follow. However, there was not full agreement to this and it was suggested that she be fined R1000 as per Schedule 3 Regulation 33. The taking away of the Champion status of the dog is a possibility.

However, in view of the comments about Regulation 33 (Fines and Penalties) by Clr Du Preez at Exco 01-2018, it was decided to first refer the matter to NdP (who was not present at this meeting) and RZ and request a response by 15.03.2018 or discuss at the “face-to-face” meeting.

Deferred to “face-to-face” meeting in April 2018.”

Reply received from Miss Orsmond circulated on 17.04 2018 (and attached)

The Office confirms that the information available indicates that the application for Champion Status for this dog was correct in that the dog was entered in the correct classes at the various shows by the registered owner, who was also the person who submitted the application for Champion status to KUSA.

Report from AB circulated.

It was unanimously agreed that the Champion Status of this dog should be reinstated and after a lengthy discussion regarding the imposing of penalties/fine it was decided to cancel the fine imposed at Exco 11-17.

3.3 Schedule 3 Regulation 33 Fines and Penalties (Exco 11-17 item 3.3, Exco 01-18 item 3.3, Exco 02- 2018 item 3.3)

This item was discussed at the informal meeting held later in the day.

3.4 Staffordshire Bull Terriers – judged on table at KUSA Show (Exco 02-2018 item 9.6, Exco 03-2018 item 3.4)

“LW advised that this matter was tabled at the JEC Meeting held over the past weekend (24/25 February) and feedback was awaited.

RZ commented that he was aware that some exhibitors request that their Staffordshire Bull Terriers are judged on a table.

After some discussion this item was

Deferred to “face-to-face” meeting in April 2018. LW asked RZ/NdP for the communications from the British Breed Council in which it is stated that this breed must be judged on the ground.”

It is the recommendation of the Exco that this breed should be judged on the ground.

To be discussed further at Fedco 06-2018 informal meeting .

3.5 Rhodesian Ridgeback: Clara ZA012374b16, Born 1 July 2016 (Exco 03-2018 item 9.6)

Left Hip Not Graded For Hip Dysplasia

It was reported at Exco 03-2018 that the Office received the International Hip/Elbow Dysplasia Certificate F2352 for the above-mentioned dog. The left hip was not graded and bears the notation “unable to grade hip due to old trauma”. The right hip has a grading of A1. This female gave birth on the 7 Sept 2017 to a litter consisting of more than one puppy but they all died (cat flu), except for one puppy for which the Application for Registration of a Complete Litter has been received and paid for. The sire of the litter has a hip grading of A2:A2.

It was agreed that a letter should be obtained from the vet confirming that this dog had an injury and may be bred from.

A letter from the Vet was received and this confirmed that the dog had an injury to the hip and could be bred from.

Agreed that the above mentioned litter could be registered.

3.6 Praetor Rottweiler Club/RBC (Exco 03-2018 item 9.8)

Following receipt of correspondence received from a Member regarding a Breed Assessment held by the above Club in September 2017, at which she believes her dog was incorrectly measured, it was agreed to obtain further information from the Club as to exactly how the dog was measured, on what surface and by what method. It was further noted that there was no appeal process.

Reply from Club Chairman circulated on 10.04.2018 (and attached to agenda).

After reading the correspondence from Praetor Rottweiler Club, it was agreed that as the correct procedures had been followed, the aggrieved Exhibitor had no recourse since there was currently no appeal process.

It was further agreed that an appeal process must be implemented going forward.

NdP and RZ were tasked with this.

3.7 Exhibition of dogs at Championship Shows (Exco 03-2018 item 10.2)

LW advised that the Office had been informed of a dog that had been exhibited at an All Breeds Championship Show while its owner was not a current member of KUSA. The matter was discussed and it was agreed that a procedure needed to be put in place to deal with reported incidents.

A Fedco approved procedure is to be tabled for Exco input and comment.

Note: On 04.04.2018 a membership application form was forwarded to the dog owner referred to above, who was also warned of the possible loss of awards. No reply has been received and membership has not been updated as yet. A CC was awarded.

A procedure to be followed by the KUSA Shows Department in cases of breach was tabled and unanimously accepted. Instances of breach need to be reported to Exco.

3.8 DNA Profiling – Imported Semen (Exco 02-2018 item 3.6, Exco 03-2018 item 10.3)

As recorded in the February Exco Minutes, the following proposal will be recommended to Fedco 06- 2018:

….the following proposal by LW was approved in principle, subject to refinement of the wording:

“Any Breeding Material extracted after XXX date must have a DNA Profile Number”

It is envisaged the XXX date as being 01.01.2019.

So, if semen is imported in 06.2019 and the semen was collected before this date, say 05.2001, then a DNA Profile Number is not required.

The above wording should cover the concern of taking existing frozen semen into account and allowing for registration of the litter without a DNA profile on the sire.

The meeting felt that the matter DNA profiling should be handled by FEDCO Representative for Health matters, to give guidelines to the correct DNA testing required. This should also cover implants to surrogate bitches as well as imported semen.

For recommendation to Fedco 06-2018


4.1 Office Report

Report attached to agenda.

After discussion the Office Report was approved.


Financial Report for February & March 2018

After discussion the Financial Reports were approved.

LW reported that SARS has requested that changes be made to the Articles in order to comply with Article 30 of the Income Tax Act. PM to be requested to notify SARS that their requirements had been complied with and ensure that these amendments to the Articles be referred to Fedco for approval. Refer to Item 9.6

To be carried forward to Fedco 06-18



5.1.1 Case 06-2015

WPBTC vs GJ du Toit

Finding of DSC circulated to Exco on 20.04.2018 ito of Rule 10.16 and 10.17.

The finding of the DSC was confirmed and the Complainant and Respondent are to be notified.

5.1.2 Another complaint was received in December 2017. However, it does not currently comply with requirements of Schedule 1 and the SCI is in communication with the ‘Complainant’.

Still no response from or further information received from ‘Complainant’.

To be carried forward

5.1.3 Schedule 1 to be discussed.

Schedule 3 - Regulations that involve penalties or fines or are linked to Schedule 1are listed below:

Regulation 7, Entry for Exhibition – in particular 7.15 (for noting)

Regulation 31 Objections to Dogs and Disqualifications

Regulation 32 Disqualification and Forfeiture of Prizes

Schedule 3 Regulation 33 Fines and Penalties

Schedule 3 Regulation 37 Fraudulent and Discreditable Conduct

The above items were to be incorporated into the informal Face to Face Meeting to be held later in the day.


5.2.1 Applications for Second Championship Shows

No applications.

DS requested a brief discussion on this item at the “face to face” meeting.

LW stated that KUSA had been “much stricter” with clubs requesting second Championship Shows. All paperwork must be up to date and unless all criteria was met, no licence would be granted. However, it was felt that if a Non-Championship Show had not been held, then a Seminar/Workshop was held by the applying club would be acceptable.

Discussion ensued on the holding of second championship shows and it was felt that it was possible that people were not travelling as much for a number of reasons, but as there were now more shows available in their areas, it was not necessary to travel out of province. Also, the high cost of attending out of province shows and people having to budget for various shows could be just some the reasons for the down turn in numbers attending the various shows. One recommendation was that the number of 2nd Championship Shows held in each province should maybe limited to 3 or 4 per province, dependant on the number of clubs in each area.

LW suggested that this matter should be moved to the afternoon informal discussion.

5.2.2 Other Club Matters Schedule 3 Reg 14 – Exclusion of Dogs & Reg 19.8

Regulations to be discussed at informal meeting. Lifting of Temporary Exclusion Order - Ch Shiluan Sindianna Reg No: ZA012533B15

Following successful passing of CGC Bronze and assessment by three Judges, the Exco Chairman agreed that since the criteria had been met, the Temporary Exclusion Order imposed in November 2017 should be lifted. The owner of the dog has been advised accordingly.

For confirmation by Exco.


5.2.3 KUSA CLASSIC 2018 – KUSA IPO Meisterschaft – Dobermann Club of the Cape – 19/20 May 2018

Documents all received and show processed.

Noted 2018 – Free State & N Cape – Breed 2&3 June 2018, Working Disciplines 4-6 August 2018

Noted – all documents received. 2018 – KUSA National Working Trials (Classic), TT & WUD – 14-15 July 2018 2019 – Gauteng

Meeting scheduled for 28th April.



5.3.1 Judges Examination Date – Sat 30th Jun 2018

Agreed at Exco 03-2018 that the June Breed Examination date be moved from Week 23 to Week 26 annually. This is a permanent date change and Exco will not approve any Shows or events to be held on this date in future.

Noted and agreed that no events or shows will be held on the Breed Examination dates in both June and November.


The following Judges completed KUSA requirements and are Licenced for the Group/s as listed:

Mr B. Africa (WC) - Working Group

Mr L. Kruger (GAU) - Herding Group

Noted with congratulations.


A report has been requested from Shea Wright following her participation in the Crufts International Junior Handling Competition this year. The Office has been informed that she has been writing end of term examinations and catching up on missed schoolwork. An article should be received in the near future.

LW advised that the report had been received with photographs and had already been placed on

The KUSA website and Facebook Page. LW further advised that KUSA had received an invitation to the World Dog Show. Until the KUSA Classic weekend had been completed and National Junior Handler awarded nothing could be done, however, this would be for the cost of the handler, not for KUSA.


AGM of NSC held on 20.03.2018.

Convener – Mr Rex Koning.

The KUSA Office has on file a copy of the NSC By-Laws signed by Rex Koning.

Noted with congratulations


Minutes of AGM of NSC held on 08.02.2018 - Convener Mr V. Fry

Minutes circulated on 29.03.2018.

The KUSA Office has on file a copy of the NSC By-Laws signed by Vincent Fry.

Noted with congratulations

5.7.1 The following Assessments have been approved by the Provincial Council Working Trials (Classic) Sub- Committee:

First Assessment

Mrs L. Esterhuysen (EC) - TD2 - Baakens Valley Working & Herding Breeds Club - Non-Championship Show - 11 March 2018

Mrs K. Gallagher (EC) - CD Trial - Baakens Valley Working & Herding Breeds Club - Non-Championship Show - 11 March 2018

Noted with congratulations



Unconfirmed Minutes of Meeting of FTLC held on 10.04.2018

Received with the Minutes:

Practice Note regarding Responsibilities of Guns at Field Trials;

SAHR Changes;

Proposed Form J1;

List of Correspondence.

The following is recorded in the Minutes under item 4.1 Mandatory Membership of KUSA:

“Mrs Wynne confirmed that the FTLC had tabled a query at the February 2018 Exco Meeting in an effort to clarify queries arising about mandatory membership of KUSA. This matter has been referred to Fedco by Exco.

Mr Holman asked about Clubs confirming membership of competitors entering the Open Stake in field trials.

Mrs Wynne explained that it was not the duty of Clubs to confirm membership but that Mr Wynne had written a query in the FT Database to check whether all competitors in the Open Stake at the TFTA field trials were members of KUSA. However, the FT Database cannot guarantee that membership is still current.

An amendment to the Official Show Entry Form for Field Trials was discussed and it was suggested that a note be inserted in the block for the Open Stake, reminding competitors that they should be members of KUSA. Mrs Wynne pointed out that this proposed amendment would also only be approved at the June 2018 Fedco Meeting, when the mandatory membership issue will be discussed.

It was agreed that an additional clause be inserted on Club Schedules, re-iterating the importance of competitors being members of KUSA.

“All competitors entering an Open Stake, Field Qualifying Stake or Championship Stake are reminded that they must be members of the KUSA for any placings to be ratified.”

Mrs Emin asked what would happen if it came to light, after an event, that the owner of one of dogs placed was not a member of KUSA. No definitive answer could be found and this query should be raised with KUSA.”

Noted with the comment that a procedure was now in place and the KUSA Office would handle all queries.

5.10 IPO

The National IPO Sub Committee has requested that amendments be made to the National IPO By-Laws to align with FCI regulation changes. These will be tabled for approval at Fedco 06-2018.

To be carried forward to Fedco 06-18


5.11.1 Following an email vote, we are advised that the NSC on 01.04 2018 that Mr Bobby Boyd was elected as Convener.

At Exco 03-2018 DS was asked to follow up regarding the EC representative for this and Agility.

Noted and DS to follow up.

5.11.2 The following Judge completed KUSA requirements and has been accepted as a Dog Jumping Judge:

Mrs C.R. Venter (KZN) *

*Passed Schedule 3

Noted with congratulations

5.12 CARTING – AGM held, Convener Mrs Eleanor Gow

5.12.1 The following Judges' reports have been approved by the Provincial Council Sub-Committee:

First Report

Mrs A. Buhmann (GAU) - Highveld Belgian Shepherd Dog Club - Non-Championship Show - 25 February 2018

Second Report

Mrs A. Buhmann (GAU) - Goldfields Kennel Club - Non-Championship Show - 18 March 2018

Noted with congratulations.


5.13.1 AGM held on 27.03.2018 – Convener Mrs Gail Killian.

5.13.2 The following Judges have been issued with Agility Judges' Licenses:

Mrs T. Clinton (WC)

Mrs C. Knox (GAU))

Noted with congratulations.


The National Flyball Sub Committee By-Laws will be forwarded for signature to the elected Convenor as soon as we have received confirmation of the name of the Convenor.

The Flyball NSC has asked for permission to hold its AGM late and has been granted permission, subject toratification by Exco , provided this is no later than 30.04.2018.

This request is due to the work commitments of the members. The NSC has also asked if the AGM dates can be reviewed.

Noted and Exco recommended an extension of 6 months could be granted.


No AGM. (See item 5.18)


5.17 TT – nil



The Office awaits the outcome of the discussions to take place at the Exco “face to face” meeting in respect of NSC’S when there are only one or two members and no representation from around the country.

Noted and referred to Fedco 06-2018 as it was felt that the various Provincial Councils should handle 5.15 Aptitude Testing, 5.16 Temperament Testing – Health and 5.18 Dog Dancing until such time as there were representatives in at least 3 or more provinces to enable sub committees to be formed.

5.19 FCI

5.19.1 Communications sent to Fedco Members:

15.03.18 Calendar FCI Dog Shows

15.03.18 Comments on Election Process - FCI Utility Commission (from Norwegian KC)

26.03.18 Philippine Canine Club, Inc. - Exclusion of Mr Joey Sia Mancilla

26.03.18 FCI Financial Contribution to International Partnership for Dogs (IPFD)

26.03.18 Amended Breed Standard: Finnish Lapponian Dog

26.03.18 Amended Breed Standard: Peruvian Hairless Dog

26.03.18 Main Decisions of the FCI General Committee (Seville, February 28 and March 1, 2018)

27.03.18 Specifications for the FCI IPO World Championship for Uitility Dogs

27.03.18 New FCI International Utility Dogs Regulations (IGP)

27.03.18 Notice o Lifting of Suspension: Mr Slobodan Nasteski

03.04.18 Minutes of the FCI Utility Dogs Commission Held 10.03.2018 in Lignano Sabbiadoro/Italy

06.04.18 Minutes of Meeting of the FCI Commission for Flyball, Prague 19-20 March 2016

06.04.18 Proposals of the General Committee (General Assembly in Leipzig, November 2017)

06.04.18 Extraordinary General Assembly 2018: Invitation & Deadlines

06.04.18 Notice of Suspension of FCI International Show Judge: Mr Alexey Belkin



6.1 SABOX – Change of name

LW announced the new name is “Federation of Boxer Clubs of South Africa Breed Council” Minutes of the Inaugural meeting will follow.

6.2 Rottweiler Breed Council (RBC) - nil

6.3 German Shepherd Dog Liaison Council

As requested at Exco 02-2018 the GSDLC has been asked to submit its proposal for the definition of a GSD Specialist Club.







7.4.2 Minutes of Meeting of WCPC held on 19.03.2018

Received on 27.03.2018 and circulated on 29.03.2018

Quorum present.

The following documents were received with the Minutes:

Agenda for WCPC Meeting held on 21.05.2018

Top Dog Meeting – financial report

Events Calendar update

Aptitude Test SC Report

Proposal from Bridget and Mark Simpson

Dog Jumping SC Report

WCPC Profit and Loss Report

WCPC Judges Education Report

Obedience SC Report




7.6.1 Minutes of Meeting of FS&NC Provincial Council held on 14.03 2018

Received 25.03.2018 and circulated on 27.03.2018.

Quorum present.

Noted from the Minutes that “According to KUSA the Central Free State Bull Terrier Club owes R885.00 but no one knows who the chairman is nor if the club has been dissolved by KUSA”

Note from the Office:

Affiliation fees for 2017/2018 have been paid and a Championship Show was held on 26 August 2017. The R885 are penalties for late submission of documents for this Show.

Mr Myburgh Wessels, former Chairman (elected at 2016 AGM) notified the KUSA Office on 15.02.2018 that the Club was closing and requested advice regarding the process to be followed.

He was advised to refer to the Dissolution Clause in the Club’s Constitution. No further information has been received.

Note: KUSA did not receive any documents for Financial Year End December 2016. The AGM was due to be held by end March 2017. To our knowledge, it has not been held.

It was reported that Central Free State Bull Terrier Club was closing and that the Centenary Terrier Club would like to move to DOGSPC. LW advised that all the proper procedures must be followed. NdP to follow up and report back at next meeting.


8.1 177 new members and 76 lapsed members were elected.


9.1 Applications for Affiliation

LW received a late notification from Eastern Province Provincial Council that Queenstown Kennel Club had held a round robin meeting and two different groups of people had paid KUSA for the re-affiliation fees of the club. This matter must be decided upon by Fedco.

9.1.1 Closure of Club

The Chow Chow Club held an SGM 17 March 2018 where it was decided to dissolve the Club. Assets will be handed over to The Utility Breeds Club of Gauteng.

Noted with regret

9.2 Amendments to Club Constitutions - nil

9.3 Schedule 2 Reg. 4.6 & 4.7 - Dispensation for Registration

Griffon Bruxellois (Reg. 4.7 Late Registration)

Litters whelped 12 October 2014, 18 April 2016 and 17 November 2016, breeder Mrs MD Vosloo.

More information was required.

To be carried forward to next meeting.

Shar Pei (Reg. 4.7 Late Registration)

Litters whelped 04 July 2016 and 03 September 2016, breeders Mr L and Mrs D Liebenberg.


Staffordshire Bull Terrier (Reg. 4.7 Late Registration)

Litter whelped 17 December 2016, breeder Mr K Mogajane.


Rottweiler (Reg. 4.7 Late Registration)

Litters whelped 30 December 2016, 21 May 2016 and 30 December 2016, breeder Mr S Naidoo.

Approved, after discussion.

Bull Terrier (Reg. 4.6 Additional Puppy)

Litter whelped 28 December 2011, breeder Mrs AR Van Heerden.


Beagle (Reg. 4.6 Additional Puppy)

Litter whelped 18 May 2017, breeder Mr PC Coetzer.


Note: Regulation 4.6

 Notwithstanding the provisions of Regulation 4.3 the Executive Committee shall be empowered, at its discretion, to grant dispensation on good cause shown to permit the registration of a single eligible dog or litter. In the case of application for the registration of an additional puppy to a litter already registered, KUSA reserves the right to request DNA parentage verification for that dog. DNA parentage verification certificates must have the microchip number of the dam, sire(s) and each of the progeny recorded on the certificate.”

To be discussed by Fedco:

“As from 1st January, 2019 “All late registrations” must be accompanied by DNA profiles from both the Sire and Dam and all Siblings.”

9.4 Schedule 2 Reg. 9 – Amendment to Registers

Incorrect details of Sire and date of birth recorded on application form for registration of a complete litter.

Litter whelped 17 May 2017 one (1) puppy: Shih Tzu.

The Breeder, Mr M Erwee, inadvertently inserted the details of the incorrect Sire and incorrect date of birth of the litter on the litter application form as just prior to completing the application form he updated microchip forms for another litter.

Sworn Affidavit received. Registration Certificate with incorrect details returned. Fees paid.

Date the litter was registered: 26 September 2017.

Date of birth of previous litter registered by breeder: 13 August 2016 (one puppy).


The breeder to be advised that DNA testing would be required before the amendment can be made.

Note Regulation 9 effective 01/02/2017:

“The Kennel Union may amend any of its Registers or the Obedience and Trial Dogs Record to rectify any errors or omissions therein and every application for rectification made by the owner of a dog shall be accompanied by the fee prescribed in terms of Schedule 7. In the case of application to change the am or sire of a registered litter, KUSA reserves the right to request DNA parentage verification of the entire litter.”

9.5 Schedule 3 Regulations 38.3.2 and 38.4 Veterinary Certificates – nil

9.6 KUSA Articles - Amendments to KUSA Articles to comply with Article 30 of Income Tax Act

SARS has requested that changes be made to the Articles in order to comply with Article 30 of the Income Tax Act. Email from Clr Hubbard together with attachments circulated on 20.04.2018.

(See under item 4.2)

9.7 Other Matters referred to “Face to Face” Meeting at previous Exco Meetings

9.7.1 Schedule 3 Entry for Exhibition - Regulation 7.11

“No steward may handle a dog on the same day as he/she is officiating before a Judge for whom he was stewarding unless requested by the Judge to exhibit the entry.”

It was commented at the meeting that there was no consequence for contravening this and other Regulations.

[Note Regulation 7.15 “ Any dog which has been exhibited contrary to these Regulations shall be liable to disqualification and cancellation of any awards gained, whether or not an objection has been lodged under Regulation 31.]

Discussed at informal meeting.

To be carried forward to next agenda.

9.7.2 Schedule 3 – Regulation 16.5

"No dog shall be allowed into the judging ring after having been called three (3) times by the Ring Steward and marked absent."

No consequence.

Discussed at informal meeting.

To be carried forward to next agenda.


10.1 LW read a report out to the meeting regarding an advertisement on Gumtree for “Cockerpoos”

This is in contravention of Schedule 9 Clause 2.1.3. The breeder had been contacted and the meeting was informed that it was an accidental mating. It was pointed out that this may be second time offence and Exco would require further information before proceeding. KUSA offices to supply the information relating to the alleged first offence a few years ago.

To be carried forward to next agenda.

10.2 Staffordshire Bull Terrier owner Joke Vermeulen requested that Junior Merit Awards be back dated. It was regretted that this was not possible as Fedco had stated the start date. Office to advise her accordingly.

10.3 Club Licences for Clubs holding Working Trials holding shows over the 27th April have been granted without receipt of all KUSA required documentation. LW needed acknowledgement of allowing a licence to be granted without all the documentation, however the meeting decided that until the Club was in FULL COMPLIANCE with their obligations to KUSA, no awards would be ratified.

LW to notify Colleen Patience.

10.4 KUSA Membership of an overseas puppy owner.

A puppy was sold to Japan, the export pedigree has already been processed by KUSA and ownership is now in the name of the Japanese purchaser. However, as the puppy is too young to enter Japan, the owner would like the puppy shown locally. It was decided that the owner of the puppy must become a member of KUSA to enable the puppy to be shown here.

10.5 BJ raised the problem of the non-printing of RCC awards and the late printing of certificates in general.

The consensus of opinion of the meeting was that ALL certificates must be printed.

The matter of the non-printing of any certificates by a Club was bought to the attention of EXCO and the meeting felt that Club’s should be required to have all awards printed and ready within 14 days of the show or there should be consequences for the club.


Tue 29th May 2018 at 13h00

[Note: Fedco takes place on 23/24th Jun 2018 - closing date for Fedco 06-2018 was 24.04.2018]

Unless otherwise stated, all decisions taken at this meeting are based on consensus of the members present at this meeting of the Exco.