2018-01 Exco Minutes
Via telecon:
L Wilson (Chair), RB Jenkins (Vice-Chair), R Juckes, DC Sparg, NJ du Preez, R Zeeman
Staff in attendance: Mrs P Midgley, Miss SA Thornberry (Secretary), Mrs A Bastick & Miss D Rosier
Apologies: Clr CJL Griffith
The following recent deaths were reported with much sadness:
David Thompson (GAU) (former Chairman of Fedco and DOGSPC)
Brian van Druten (GAU)
The Minutes of the meeting held on 21.11.2017 were formally adopted.
3.1 Amendments to Club Constitutions (Exco 10-2017 item 3.1)
Deferred, pending directive from Fedco at Fedco 12-2017:
Saint Bernard Association of Northern Gauteng (Exco 06-2017 item 9.2.1, Exco 07-2017 item 3.9)
Cape Bullmastiff Club (Exco 06-2017 item 9.2.1, Exco 07-2017 item 3.9)
Sasolburg Kennel Club (Exco 6-17 Item 9.2.3, Exco 07-2017 item 3.8, Exco 08-2017 item 3.3)
Northern Tshwane Kennel Club
Natal Utility Breeds Club
Western Province Bull Terrier Club
To be carried forward to Fedco 06-2018 agenda.
3.2 Exhibit incorrectly entered in Champions Class (Exco 10-2017 item, Exco 11-2017 item 3.3)
See previous discussions on the following dog:
Breed: Border Collie
Reg. No: ZA003043B16
Name of Dog: Giftnell It'samagicparty
Owned by Miss O Orsmond
At the Exco 11-2017, the Secretary was instructed to write to the registered owner requesting a statement advising which shows she did give authorisation for the dog to be entered.
In the meantime, everything concerning this dog, its Champion status and the fine imposed, is to be placed ‘on hold’ until this information is received.
Exco also to look at the wording of Schedule 3 Regulation 33 - Fines and Penalties.
An email was sent on 11.01.2018 and any reply will be tabled.
The office checked the awards won at other shows from 1st June to 15th September to confirm that the dog was not entered in the Champions Class. The above dog was entered in the Champions Class at NTKC (Show 1) 13 May 2017 winning BOB and BIG. This show was not used towards Champion Status.
We requested entry forms from the 5 Clubs on the Champion Application form. Unfortunately only two Clubs still had forms (attached to agenda).
At the date of the Exco meeting three show entry forms were available for scrutiny. These appeared to be the same form photocopied for the three shows, each with the name of the Club and Show date being omitted. Apparently this was a common occurrence with show entries.
RJ felt that it should be brought to the attention of exhibitors that, in many cases, the regulations were not being followed in this regard.
After discussion the following was agreed:
the BOB and BiG awards won at the NTKC Show held on 13 May 2017 be with withdrawn and the succeeding dogs advanced.
As it was not possible to determine whose signature was on each of the forms, that clarification of this should be requested from the registered owner in order to establish if these entries were authorised.
Carry forward to next agenda.
3.3 Schedule 3 Regulation 33 Fines and Penalties (Exco 11-17 item 3.3)
Arising from the previous item (3.2) NdP advised that there may be a need to review the wording, which currently reads:
33.1 If a dog is entered in a class for which it is ineligible and it is not withdrawn from competition therein before such class is judged, such dog shall be disqualified and the exhibitor may be fined at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
33.2 The Executive Committee shall have power to impose a fine upon any exhibitor who makes an error in his entry form or infringes any provision of these Regulations.
33.3 In the event of any fine not being paid within the time stipulated by the Executive Committee, the exhibitor may, at the discretion of the Executive Committee, be dealt with as if a complaint brought under Kennel Union Disciplinary Rules, Rule 2 (Schedule 1), had been lodged against him and proved to the satisfaction of the Executive Committee.
NdP believed that the above Regulation needed to be amended as it just gives the Exco the discretion to impose a fine without making provision for the ‘accused’ person to make any submissions in their defence.
At this point LW raised the matter of the Exco holding a ‘face to face’ meeting to deal with this and other matters. The intention is that this meeting will take place in Gauteng without any KUSA office staff present. A suitable date in April 2018 is to be decided.
To be carried forward to next agenda.
4.1 Office Report
The Office Report was discussed and approved.
Financial Report for November and December 2017
After discussion the November report was approved.
The December report was not available and will be tabled at the February meeting.
Case 06-2015
Civil case settled.
Hearing to be scheduled early in 2018.
Date still to be finalised.
Another complaint has been received and the SCI is in communication with the Complainant.
5.2.1 Applications for Second Championship Show
LW reported that the Federal Council requested that Exco apply more stringent parameters. Discussion ensued on the Fedco’s requirements (as per Fedco 12-17 Minutes – Non-Championship Shows to be held, with the exception of Eastern Cape and Free State), before considering the following applications: TKC Kennel Club - 14 October 2018 - TKC Breed/TKC Kennel Club - 13 October 2019 – Breed
The above Club is requesting to hold second Championship Shows in 2018 and 2019.
The reason for applying for 2019 now is in order to contract judges in sufficient time.
The Club noticed that the entries for TKC in October were extremely good in comparison to some of the other all breed shows that have taken place without International Judges and when you consider the amount of approximately R28000.00 paid to KUSA, it would appear that it is in all our interests to have a majority International Judges.
Also they do not have a back to back show with another Club. It stands alone with the three shows. A Non-Championship Show licence for 28.01.2018 was granted.
Affiliation, AGM & Audited Accounts are all up to date as are previous show returns. No outstanding
Fees. July Open Show levies outstanding. [Colleen finding for us.]
The application to hold a 2nd Show in 2018 was approved,
(1) subject to receipt of outstanding levies
(2) subject to TKC agreeing that in granting TKC a second championship show the Club must take cognisance of the other clubs that hold shows on that day and ensure that they work together to the mutual benefit to all. Preplanning must take place to ensure that all clubs shows run smoothly without unnecessary delays.
The 2019 application to be tabled at the February Exco Meeting once TKC has agreed to the conditions in paragraph (2) above.
To be carried forward to next agenda. Northern Free State Bull Terrier Club - 14 April 2018 - Breed
The above Club is requesting to hold a second Championship Show on the 14th April 2018.
There does not appear to be any conflicting events.
Motivation: "The Northern Free State Bull Terrier Club would like to hold two Championship Shows in the calendar Year 2018. The Club would like to replace the existing scheduled Open Show with a Championship Show. In the past the open show was badly attended with an average of 10 dogs present of the day. The second Championship show will attract more exhibitors (about 30 dogs present on the day) because there will be a specialist Judge present and the possibility to obtain Championship points towards the title of Champion for their animals will attract more people. Although there is some extra administrative work, not a great deal of extra manpower is required."
Affiliation, AGM & Audited Accounts are all up to date as are previous show returns. No outstanding
Approved. Exco would like the Club to also hold a Non-Championship Show to educate Learner Judges.) Victory Toy dog Club - 26th October 2018
The above Club would like to hold a second Championship Show on the 26th October 2018. This will be on the same day as its first Championship Show.
In the past Open shows have run at a significant loss. We are not able to support another loss as in the past.
There has been a decline in exhibitors both local and ‘Out of Town’.
Due to our current financial situation and the rising costs of running a show it would not be financially feasible for us to share an overseas judge. We feel that an overseas judge would be an additional attraction as well as being able to enter two shows on the same day.
An income from two shows on the same day would enable us to use one local judge and to share an overseas judge which we have been offered.
Our committee has after much discussion decided that the way forward for our ‘Club” is to hold a 2nd Championship show.
Taking the above factors into consideration we would like to apply for a second Championship Show licence.
We trust that this application will meet your favourable decision.
Affiliation, AGM & Audited Accounts are all up to date as are previous show returns. No outstanding
Deferred. Office to enquire if the Club intends to hold a Non-Championship Show.
To be carried forward to next agenda. Eastern Districts Kennel Club – Championship Show – 15 July 2018 – Breed
The above Club would like to hold a second Championship show on the 15th July 2018. This is on the same weekend as their 1st Championship Show together with other Group and Specialist Clubs’ shows.
Eastern Districts Kennel Club would like to apply to hold two championship shows on the weekend of 14 and 15 July 2018 and, in the following years on that same weekend. It will make it easier for us to afford foreign judges and we intend to share these with all the specialist and group clubs on our weekend. With the extra income and extra CCs on offer on our weekend, we intend to build the club and assist Goldfields Show Grounds to afford the upkeep of the grounds. We think this is in the interest of dogdom as a whole in South Africa.
Affiliation, AGM & Audited Accounts are all up to date as are previous show returns. No outstanding fees.
Deferred pending confirmation whether or not the Club will be holding a Non-Championship Show, also confirmation that this Club has fulfilled its undertaking to make a donation to the Goldfields Supporters Club.
5.2.2 Other Club Matters Schedule 3 Reg 14 – Exclusion of Dogs & Reg 19.8
The form to be completed by Clubs has been circulated to Clubs and published on website, together with explanatory notes.
Exco (NdP) to review Schedule 3 Regulation 14 to cover, inter alia, multi-show weekends.
Proposed change in wording of Schedule 3 Reg 14 - 1st paragraph, last sentence.
“ …a written report supported by [ sworn ] statements of any witnesses and all other evidence available…”
People are finding it very difficult to do sworn statements within 7 days, when submitting documentation for Dog Aggression. We now have a document for completion to make the process easier for all concerned. Under Reg 19 it only calls for a written statement, so this would also bring everything in line.
If approved, it will need to be placed on the June 2018 Fedco.
Deferred for discussion at ‘face to face’ meeting. Dog Aggression Incident – Pretoria Kennel Club Championship Show 19.11.2017
The following dog has been issued with a temporary exclusion order for showing aggression towards the Judge:
St Bernard dog ARIEL EX MOEISA SUPERIORE Reg No ZA001091C17owned and handed by Miss JH Kuyler.
Representations on behalf of the dog circulated to Exco on 22.01.2018.
Cognisance was taken of the owner’s letter and agreed that, as is usual in these cases, she be advised that the above dog should successfully undergo a CGC (Bronze) and be evaluated by three Judges before the exclusion order is lifted. Natal Sporting Hound Club Championship Show – 30 June 2017
It was reported that Miss D. Hansen stewarded for the Judge on the day. When the time came for Whippets to be shown, she stopped stewarding and showed her own Whippets under the Judge she had been stewarding for. There was no steward in the ring at that time as it was only her own Whippets present, so when Judging was completed Miss Hansen returned back to the ring to carry on Stewarding for the finals.
Schedule 3, Reg 7.11:
“No steward may handle a dog on the same day as he/she is officiating before a Judge for whom he was stewarding unless requested by the Judge to exhibit the entry.”
A response from Mrs Hanson was circulated and after discussion it was agreed that she be sent a formal letter advising her to observe the regulations in the future. No formal complaint was lodged and different versions of events were given in the letters received.
Further agreed that the above and other Regulations be discussed at the proposed ‘face to face’ meeting. Jacaranda City Kennel Club Championship Show – 18th November 2017
Schedule 3, Reg 16.5
"No dog shall be allowed into the judging ring after having been called three (3) times by the Ring Steward and marked absent."
Judging of dogs already called ‘absent’.
Report of events at Jacaranda Kennel Club from 18/11/2017 at Goldfields Show Grounds given by Mr Andrew Wright.
It appears that the dog was allowed in the ring by the substitute Show Manager, who is also a Judge. The exhibitor had been delayed by a motor vehicle accident and the Show Manager approached the ring steward and the judge to ask if the puppy bitch, a stand-alone exhibit, could be judged. The judge agreed.
After discussion it was agreed that letters be sent to Mr A Wright and Mr A Austin, the Substitute Show Manager, advising them that they should know better. The letter is to be copied to the JKC.
Further agreed that this regulation should be reviewed at the ‘face to face’ meeting as there appeared to be no consequence to contravening it, and other regulations.
5.2.3 KUSA CLASSIC 2018 – KUSA IPO Meisterschaft – Dobermann Club of the Cape – 19/20 May 2018
Nothing to report. 2018 – Free State & N Cape – Breed 2&3 June 2018, Working Disciplines 4-6 August 2018
Quarterly progression feedback reports were requested.
Acknowledgement of request received. Any further information will be tabled.
No further information. Reminder to be sent – information to be requested for Exco 02-2018 meeting.
A request has been received from the KZN Dog Jumping and Agility Sub-Committee to run DJ & Ag 1/2 June 2018
Other events on the same weekend include Field Trials in Gauteng and Ob, Dj in Windhoek.
Agreed. 2018 – KUSA National Working Trials (Classic), TT & WUD
To be hosted by The Transvaal Working Trials Association (TWTA)
The organisers have requested to move their date from August to 14/15 July 2018. The KUSA Nationals in other Working Disciplines are now being held in Bloemfontein and there are handlers who also wish to attend these shows.
The only other WT on this weekend is Cape Handlers Open Show in Cape Town and there is no objection from this Club.
Following the November meeting a letter was also sent to TWTA advising that Exco was not happy with the projected loss of R7400 and asking them to look at either decreasing expenses or increasing income.
Any response will be tabled.
Response awaited.
[Note: received 05.02.2018] 2019 – Gauteng
It was reported at Exco 11-2017 that a request for this event to be hosted by Gauteng has been received and referred to the Consulting Committee.
The Committee is drafting its budget and will report back.
5.3.1 The following Judges have completed KUSA requirements and are licensed for the Group/s as listed:
Mrs D Collyer (KZN) - Toy Group
Ms D Lucas (EC) - Terrier Group
Adv R Zeeman (WC) - Working Group
Noted with congratulations.
Best wishes to Shea Wright, representing South Africa at Crufts in March 2018.
5.5 OBEDIENCE - nil
Unconfirmed Minutes of Meeting of FTLC held on 23.01.2018.
Received and circulated on 26.01.2018
Noted. A request for medallions is being attended to.
5.9 IPO
5.9.1 The following have been issued IPO Helpers’ Licences:
Mr G Botha (WC)
Mr D Cupido (WC)
Mr W Wilson (EC)
Noted with congratulations.
5.10.1 The following judges completed KUSA requirements and have been accepted as Dog Jumping Judges:
Dog Jumping Course held 14th & 15th October 2017 - KZN (* plus Schedule 3)
Angus, Jacqui*
Botes, Irmgaard
Cox, Pravina*
Fourie, Sheldene*
Venter, Colleen*
Noted with congratulations.
The following Judge is now eligible to judge as she turned 18 end of 2017:
Taylor, Miss K (WC)
Noted with congratulations.
5.11.1 The following judges’ reports have been approved by the Provincial Council Carting Sub-Committee:
First Report
Mr M. Van der Vyver - Cape Town Kennel Club - Championship Show - 9 September 2017.
Second Reports
Mr E.L. Van der Merwe - Breede Rivier Vallei Kennel Club - Championship Show - 7 October 2017
Mr M. Van der Vyver - Breede Rivier Vallei Kennel Club - Championship Show - 7 October 2017
Mr Van der Vyver has been issued with his Carting Judges Licence.
Noted with congratulations.
5.12.1 The following judges completed KUSA requirements and have been accepted as Agility Judges:
Agility Course held 28th & 29th October 2017 - KZN (*plus Schedule 3)
Brown, Kerry-Ann *
Haussmann, Renate
Hourquebie, Beverley*
White, Katherine*
White, Kirstin*
Noted with congratulations.
The following Judge is now eligible to judge as she turned 18 end of 2017:
Taylor, Miss K (WC)
5.13.1 The following Judges completed KUSA requirements and have been accepted as Flyball Judges:
*Wrote Schedule 3
Bosch, Mrs R (Gau)*
Newey, Ms M*GAU)*
Patterson-Abrolat, Mrs C
Noted with congratulations.
5.13.2 A query was raised regarding a past Grand Champion Qualification. AB to investigate and report back.
To be carried forward to next agenda.
5.16 TT – nil
5.17 DOG DANCING - nil
5.18 FCI
5.18.1 Communications sent to Fedco Members:
17.11.17 Regulations for the Organization of FCI International Herding Events
22.11.17 Notice of New FCI Non Mandatory Commissions
22.11.17 Notice of Studbook and Appendix Initials (Kuwait Cynological Association)
22.11.17 Notice of FCI Partnership with Kuwait
22.11.17 Situation in Morocco: Freeze all relations with the Club in question
22.11.17 FCI Definitive Recognition of Breed: Tornjak
24.11.17 FCI Definitive Recognition of Breed: Cimarrón Uruguayo
27.11.17 Minutes of the Meeting of the FCI General Committee: Kiev 22 August 2017
28.11.17 Notice of Non-Recognition of Club: Pakistan Kennel Club
05.12.17 Letter From HKKC to the FCI: Removal from FCI Membership
05.12.17 Internal Regulations for the Presidents of the FCI Non-Mandatory Commissions
05.12.17 FCI Agility Judging Guidelines
05.12.17 Invitation: Agility World Championship –Sweden
03.01.17 Survey - FCI Public Campaigns
03.01.17 Invitation and Agenda – Agility Commission Sweden
05.01.17 Dog Dancing - Meeting via E-Mail 29-31/01/2018 : Invitation
05.01.18 FCI Rescue Dogs Meeting – 18.02.18
12.01.18 FCI European Section Show 2018 – change of venue
15.01.18 Letter of Appeal from HHKC
22.01.18 Lifting of Suspension – Judge Mr Jan Liet
Noted . RJ requested a copy of the Regulations for Herding Events.
Negotiations with Boxer Federation of SA still in progress.
6.2 Rottweiler Breed Council (RBC)
Minutes of Meeting of RBC held on 02.12.2017
Received 04.01.2018 and circulated on 09.01.2018, together with associated documents.
Noted that there was some very good presentation documents embedded in the Minutes and that RBC Chairman has undertaken to start a database of Rottweiler owners for these to be sent to.
6.3 German Shepherd Dog Liaison Council
AGM held 21.10.2017. Minutes requested.
[Note: Received on Tue 06.02.2018]
Unconfirmed Minutes of Meeting of DOGSPC held on 28.11.2018.
Quorum present.
Copies of Provco Sub-Committee By-Laws to be sent to KUSA Secretary.
7.2.1 Unconfirmed Minutes of AGM of KZNPC held on 1.11.2017
Received and circulated on 01.12.207.
Quorum present
Office Bearers:
Chairman - Mr Richard Dempsey
Vice-Chair – Mrs Gael Morison.
Also received with the Minutes:
Chairman’s Report
Confirmed Minutes of AGM 5.11.2016
Agenda for AGM 14.11.2017
Financial Statements for year ended 31.08.2017
Sub-Committee Reports
Attendance Register
Noted. Congratulations to Office Bearers.
7.2.2 Unconfirmed Minutes of Ordinary Meeting of KZNPC held on 14.11.2017
Received and circulated on 01.12.207.
Quorum present.
7.3.1 Unconfirmed Minutes of AGM held on 26.10.2017
Received 23.11.2017 and circulated on 23.01.2017
Quorum present.
Election of Office Bearers:
Chairman –Mrs Jenny Hubbard
Noted with congratulations.
7.3.2 Unconfirmed Minutes of Ordinary Meeting held on 26.10.2017
Received 23.11.2017 and circulated on 23.01.2017
Quorum present.
7.3.3 Unconfirmed Minutes of Meeting of NAPC held on 23.11.2017
Received and circulated on 09.01.2017
Quorum present.
Unconfirmed Minutes of Meeting of WCPC held on 20.11.2017
Circulated 22.12.2017
Quorum present.
WCPC to be told to correct item 10.2 to reflect that the amendment regarding mandatory membership of KUSA applies to the owners of dogs entered at Championship Shows, and not exhibitors.
AGM held 19.11.2017. Minutes requested.
Any information will be tabled.
[Note: received on 30.01.2018]
To be carried forward to next agenda.
Unconfirmed Minutes of Meeting held on 28.10.2017.
Received and circulated on 30.11.201. Quorum present.
Brief discussion on status of Centenary Terrier Club. RJ to discuss with Provco Chairman.
8.1 53 new members and 92 lapsed members were elected.
9.1 Applications for Affiliation
Free State Hound Club (Exco 11-2017 item 9.1)
Application accepted at Exco 11-2017 subject to change to Headquarters from “Frankfort” to “Free State”.
Confirmed that Club has amended its Constitution accordingly.
Noted. Affiliation confirmed.
9.2 Amendments to Club Constitutions
9.2.1 Eastern Districts Kennel Club
At its Annual General Meeting held 2 December 2017, the Club approved the following amendments to its Club Constitution.
Clause 2 - Headquarters
The Headquarters of the Club shall be determined by the address of the Chairman in the areas of jurisdiction of DOGSPC. [ in Benoni ]
Clause 4 - Management
The management and control of the Club shall be vested in a Committee consisting of a Chairman, Vice- Chairman, [ Honorary ] Secretary, [ Honorary Assistant Secretary and Trophy Secretary, Honorary ]Treasurer and a Committee [ of not more than fifteen (15)and not fewer than ten (10) ] of six (6) members including the above officers.
The Committee and Executive Committee shall be elected by the members at the Annual General Meeting and their period of service shall be for [ three ] one year[ s ], after which they shall retire but they [ one third of this number shall retire annually in rotation ] shall be eligible for re-election. [ Officers as defined in 4a) shall be elected annually from this Committee at a Committee meeting held directly after the Annual General Meeting. ]
A casual vacancy may be filled by the Committee
Clause 9 - Finance
The Club's financial year shall be taken to commence on 1st [ January ] August and terminate on 31st [ December ] July of each year.
Clause 10 - Members' Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held before 30th [ June ] 31 December of each calendar year to transact the following business:
A Quorum at a General Meeting shall be [ fifteen ] nine present and entitled to vote.
Clause 11 - Committee Meetings
Committee meetings shall be held when necessary [ but no fewer than three meetings per year ].
Not agreed . To stay as is.
Clause 19 - General
Any Committee member who has contact with any of the judges, may not prepare, handle or exhibit any dog at the Club's Championship Show.
Amendments approved with the exception of Clause 11 as indicated.
9.2.2 Jolly Dog School
At its Annual General Meeting held 27 October 2017, the Club approved the following amendments to its Constitution:
b) There will be [ 3 ]6 classes of membership (This was not amended when previous memberships were added in 2008 - housekeeping)
Clause 10 (iii) - delete Junior Membership
Clause 17(ii) - Family Members
Family members comprising husband, wife and children not over the age of eighteen (18). The husband and wife shall each be entitled to vote as ordinary members but the children shall have no vote unless a registered student with relevant student card.
Clause 17 (iii)
To supervise the investment of the funds and assets of the Club and the depositing of the Club funds in a bank [Building Society ] or Financial Institution selected by it.
9.3 Schedule 2 Reg. 4.6 & 4.7 - Dispensation for Registration
German Short haired Pointer (Reg. 4.7 Late Registration)
Litter whelped 11 December 2016, breeder Mr JD Tarr.
White Swiss Shepherd Dog (Reg. 4.7 Late Registration)
Litter whelped 27 November 2015, breeder Mrs A Stichling.
Havanese (Reg. 4.7 Late Registration)
Litter whelped 04 November 2016, breeder Mrs C Page.
Australian Shepherd (Reg. 4.7 Late Registration)
Litter whelped 01 October 2016, breeder Mrs T Viljoen.
Approved, subject to receipt of payment.
Poodle (Toy) (Reg. 4.7 Late Registration)
Litter whelped 04 October 2016, breeder Mrs Y Bouls.
Poodle (Miniature) and Poodle (Toy) (Reg. 4.7 Late Registration)
Poodle (Miniature) litters whelped 10 June 2016 (2) puppies; 23 July 2016 (2) puppies,
Approved. Breeder to be advised that any further requests will be subject to DNA parentage verification.
Staffordshire Bull Terrier (Reg. 4.6 Additional Puppy)
Litter whelped 07 March 2016, breeder Mrs AJ Du Preez.
Approved on this occasion.
Approval of any further applications for additional puppies will be subject to DNA parentage verification. (Schedule 2 Regulation 4.6 refers.)
9.4 Schedule 2 Reg. 9 – Amendment to Registers - nil
9.5 Schedule 3 Regulations 38.3.2 and 38.4 Veterinary Certificates – nil
9.6 Kennel Name (Number of registered Kennel Names permissible)
A request regarding the renewal of an affix was discussed and approved.
Noted that Clr Immelman was working on a proposal to amend Schedule 2 Regulation 8 and this was currently a ‘work in progress’.
9.7 Fedco 11-2017 Minutes
Circulated and discussed.
10.1 Eastern Districts KC – Supa 7. LW noted that the recent event was not held in accordance with the current Schedule 5E (15) 1.6. The Office to write to the Club and request an explanation.
10.2 DNA – RJ noted that DNA profiling will be introduced for imported and exported dogs and enquired about imported semen or any breeding material. PM advised that the information received from the Onderstepoort Veterinary services was that it was not possible to retain a little of the semen from AI to do DNA profiling as there would most probably not be enough.
Noted with the comment that more investigation was needed.
To be carried forward to next agenda.
10.3 Breed specific education presentations. DR advised that presentations were being received from the FCI and asked if these could be linked to the Breed Standards on the KUSA website. LW was of the opinion that this was an excellent idea and it should be referred to the JEC (Judges Education Committee).
10.4 Chow Chow Breed Standard
Requires updating in line with new HD rating system. DR and LW will attend to.
10.5 Advertising material at Shows. Quotation received from one supplier for KUSA teardrops bearing KUSA details for each Province to use at Shows. More quotations are needed.
10.6 LW enquired about an automatic email answer service. Being looked into.
10.7 FCI has confirmed that the missing information with regard to CACIB’S at KUSA FCI Show is being updated.
10.8 Breeders Restrictions (Endorsements)
LW drew attention to a dispute between a two parties regarding a breeder’s restriction. After lengthy discussion it was confirmed that only the breeder can lift the restriction and that KUSA cannot get involved in arrangements between breeders and their puppy buyers .
The Secretary referred to a previous proposed amendment to Schedule 2 which would require breeders to lodge a letter with KUSA should they wish to place restrictions on a litter. To be followed up.
Tue 27 February 2018 – apologies LW.
The meeting closed at 14h43 with a vote of thanks to the Chair.
Unless otherwise stated, all decisions taken at this meeting are based on consensus of the members present at this meeting of the Exco.