Manageable Microchipping

Posted in KUSA News

A microchip is a permanent pet ID. Having your dog microchipped increases your pet’s chances of getting home if it is lost or stolen.

KUSA is the only all-breed registry in South Africa to insist that all dogs must be microchipped to be registered, and as members of KUSA, breeders must abide by these responsibilities:Feature 1

Implant microchip. It is the breeder’s responsibility to ensure that the microchip is implanted correctly and in the right spot before sending the accompanying paperwork to KUSA to register the dog. It is not enough to give the microchip to a new owner, you must ensure that the microchip with the serial number on the registration forms have indeed been inserted into the puppy in the correct manner. Failure to do so might cause inaccuracies with a breeder’s paperwork and consequently, this might lead to disciplinary action in terms of KUSA’s constitution (Schedule 2, Regulation

Tiny dogs can do it too. It is normal to be concerned about the small size of some breed’s puppies, like the Yorkshire Terrier, which often weigh less than 1 kg when it is time to be microchipped. Microchips are routinely used in much smaller animals like birds, fish and snakes without any negative effects on the animal. Small dogs can be safely microchipped at 8 weeks of age.

Update owner’s details. Remind (and keep reminding) new owners to update the dog’s details to their names. Many new owners fail to notify the microchip database of their new contact details and when the dog gets lost, the breeder is contacted. Breeders often have many dogs listed in their name and it can take some time to locate the right owner for the lost dog. To avoid having too many dogs registered in your name, keep reminding new owners to update their dog’s details on the microchip database.

Why so strict? KUSA cannot register any puppies without proof of being microchipped. As per the KUSA constitution, in the case of dogs whelped within the KUSA area of jurisdiction, no application for the registration or recording of a dog will be accepted for registration on any KUSA register unless such dog has been positively identified by microchip implant and the supporting documentation accompanies the application.

One of the requirements of registration on the KUSA registers is that the dog must be microchipped. When a breeder signs an application form for registration of a litter, the breeder automatically agrees to abide by KUSA’s regulations within KUSA’s jurisdiction. It is imperative for breeders to ensure that all applications are faultless by making sure that the following rules are followed:

  • All puppies must be microchipped and registered at the same time.
  • The breeder is responsible for the implantation of the microchips – by completing and signing the application form, you are attesting to the fact that your puppies have been microchipped. If you submit an application in the knowledge that the microchips have not been implanted, there are serious implications which could lead to serious consequences for the member.

KUSA views the non-implantation of the microchip in a very serious light and urges KUSA members to ensure that they do not fall foul of the rules pertaining to the implantation of all microchips for puppies.

Lost & Found Service. KUSA has a wonderful search tool available on the KUSA website where members, animal welfare organizations and the general public can search and verify the contact details of the dog’s owners. Click here to use the KUSA Microchip Search tool.

Without a proper permanent ID, most lost pets never find their way back home. Microchips give the best protection by providing your dog with a permanent form of identification.